Concrete Mix ratio

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Designing before laying concrete to any building is mandatory one, designing of concrete is mentioned in mix ratio, concrete mix are M5, M10, M15, M20, M25 and after that design mix.

The term M means mix. 5 means compressive strength. A concrete cube is prepared using M5 mix ratio then it is cured for 28 days. It is tested in compressive strength testing machine. The compressive strength is 5 n/mm square means it is M5 concrete.

The mix ratio of concrete are

M5 - 1:5:10
M10 - 1:4:8
M15-  1:2:4
M20 - 1:1.5:3
M25 - 1:1:2

Let's see what is M20 means

The term M means mix

1:1.5:3 means cement:fine aggregate:coarse aggregate

Fine aggregates are sand , m sand
Coarse aggregates are blue metals.

Normally M5 and M10 mix are used for plain cement concrete. M15, M20, M25 are used for reinforced cement concrete. After M25 mix the mix ratio of concrete is according to designing..

How to calculate requirement of cement:fine aggregate:coarse aggregates
Let's see that in next topic.

Thank you.

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